Educational Resources

Here’s some great resources to help you teach gamedev to students with tools and resources that range from the first-time code to the professional, for ages 4+

Educational Partners

Day Camps

Massive Learning Summer Camps – Camps designed and run by gamedev industry veterans – covering coding, design, art and music!

K-12 Coding Education

Massive Learning – Offers workshops and support systems to support teachers, students, parents and school districts with comprehensive, industry veteran-designed coding and design education designed for the Saskatchewan curriculum.

Recommended Tools & Resources
by Age/Capability

Ordered by simplest first to more advanced.

Ages 4+

Scratch Jr

Ages 7-9


Ages 10-13

Minecraft Education Edition
Makecode Arcade (Advanced)
CoSpaces Edu (Advanced)

Ages 13-17

Scratch (beginners)
Minecraft Education Edition (beginners)
Makecode Arcade (beginners)
CoSpaces Edu
Code Combat
Gamemaker Studio


Code Combat
Online Python
Gamemaker Studio

Gamedev Educational Tools

All-in-One programs (Art + Coding)

Scratch Jr (

Scratch (

Micro:bits (

Minecraft Education Edition (

Makecode Arcade (

Code Combat (

CoSpaces Edu (

Tinkercad (

Gamemaker Studio (

Coding Environments (text coding, may or may not have visual tools)

Online Python (

P5JS (

Gamemaker Studio (

Godot (

Unity (

Unreal (

Standalone Art Programs

Asesprite (

Blender (

Glimpse (

Gamedev Educational Resources

Hour of Code (

Kids Code Jeunesse (

Canada Learning Code ( (

CS First (

Creative Computing (

Code Combat (

Global Game Jam Next (

Khan Academy (

GameMaker Studio Learning (

Godot Tutorials (

Unity Learning (

Learn Unreal (

DevSquad (Unreal) Tutorials (

More Information

Check out our GameDev Careers page for more information including job sites, support organizations, gamedev conferences, and our services!