Community Documentary Released!

A film student at the University of Saskatchewan recently released a documentary made about the game development community in Saskatchewan. Alise McNair interviewed a selection of game developers across the province to learn more about what the gamedev scene in Saskatchewan is like.

She did interviews with 9 different developers in the province covering a wide range of projects and insights. Each gave a description of their current work giving a great showcase of what’s going on here. They also gave some insight about the situation in Saskatchewan.

It discussed the challenges that we face in Saskatchewan, a lack of jobs, a lack of established studios, a lack of grants and government support, but it also helps highlight the positives. We’ve got a great culture, the barriers are falling away, a growing number of studios, we have a passionate community and we can pull together.

The documentary ends with lots of great advice from everyone. It’s so great seeing a project like this helping show off our community. Massive thanks to Alise for making this documentary, it’s a great time capsule of the scene here in Saskatchewan. Be sure to check it out!

Game Devs featured:
Liam Iverson
Laura Smart – Wily Steed – Deck of Many Dungeons
Michael Long – Foolish Mortals – Kaiju Wars
Evan Geissler – Virtus StudiosEmbervein
Jay Cameron – Dragonfly GamesBeyond the Oaks
Justin Bender – Bitwad Entertainment / Third IonXero Hour
Gui de Souza Rocha
Ephraim Bilson
Kai Hutchence – Massive CorporationQueen City Chaos

Watch the Video Here

Game Developers of Saskatchewan: