Building Saskatchewan’s Game Development Scene

Game Developer?

Click Here to see how we can help you join the industry, improve your skills, or help your games succeed


Want to learn more about coding and game development for education? Click here for more information!


Need an interview or information about the game industry or gaming in Saskatchewan? Click Here!

Join the Network

We’re the biggest community of tech professionals in Saskatchewan, all dedicated to see more game development happening in our province. Join to get monthly newsletters keeping you informed about what’s happening, including our workshops, meetups, playtesting requests, insights, and other opportunities across the province.

Who We Are

We work to represent the game development industry in Saskatchewan. Our members include hobbyists, solo developers, professionals, freelancers, and studio heads. Check out our profiles of Sask game companies to learn more about what’s happening in our province!

Featured Projects

Groove Gunner by Bitcutter Studios
Moonshell Island by Cheekynauts
One Shot Golf by 54e Dev Studios
Kaiju Wars by Foolish Mortals